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How to schedule and publish posts on Google My Business

With Midrub you have the possibility to publish posts in your Google My Business locations. Google My Business can't connect your Google My Business account, but your locations. Midrub can connect both locations and groups with locations from your Google My Business account.

To be able to publish on Google My Business you have to configure it as i've explained here:

You can use Midrub to publish posts with text, links and photos on Google My Business. you just have to select the locations and schedule or publish immediately the posts. Also, Midrub allows you to connect the RSS's Feed of your company's website and RSS will be published automatically.

Google MY Business is supported even by the apps: Midrub Stream, Midrub Social Planner, Midrub Ebay and other apps in future.

I don't have yet a company to show you in a video how posting works on Google My Business but you can try yourself in the demo.

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