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How is updated the content in the streams

The streams requires time and resources to update their contents. For this reason i'm using the cache and i'm creating cache for each tab. In other way user should wait several minutes until will be loaded all streams in the Midrub Stream app.

My idea is in to refresh the streams content step by step. First is loaded the app. After 10 seconds is reloaded the first Stream's tab, after other 10 seconds is reloaded other Stream's tab and this will happen until will be reloaded all. 

It's important to know, the streams are reloaded only if their tab has enabled the Auto Refresh option. This is important because someone may decide to reload the tabs manually and i can't private him to have this option. 

Once all tabs are reloaded after page load, the Midrub Stream app will start to count how many time ago were reloaded the tabs and when them should be reloaded.

In the video below you can see an working example:


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