How to install and configure the CRM Commenter for Instagram app
CRM Commenter for Instagram is an app for the Midrub CMS which provides the easiest way to automatize the Instagram's comments replies and manage manually the Instagram's comments with a team.
To configure the Instagram's webhook:
- Go to your Facebook application.
- Go to the Products page.
- Enable the Webhooks and Messenger products.
- In Webhooks product use the dropdown and select the Instagram's option.
- Click on the Edit Subscription and enter the url: https://yourwebsite/guest/crm_dashboard?webhook=1
- Go to administrator(CMS) -> User -> Apps -> CRM Chatbot for Instagram -> Generate any verification token and copy it(All apps which have this field should use same token).
- Use the Verificatioon Token in Facebook Application -> Webhooks -> Edit Subscription together with the url above.
- If you're getting an error, use the code below in config.php
$config['csrf_exclude_uris'] = array('guest/crm_dashboard');
The code should be unique. Otherwise, in the existing add only , 'guest/crm_dashboard' and will be
$config['csrf_exclude_uris'] = array('guest/crm_chatbot', 'guest/crm_dashboard');
To make work this app, you need to have approved these permissions: instagram_basic, instagram_manage_comments, instagram_manage_insights and pages_show_list
I have created a long video where i'm showing all steps:
In the video i'm using the basic shared hosting from
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