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How to manage the email's templates in the Notifications component

The email's templates in the Notifications component are used to send notifications to the users based on their actions(sign up, password reset, plans subscription expiration, etc.). By default the email's templates have content added by the developer, but you can customize content from the Notifications component -> Email Templates.

If you want to customize an email's template, just click on the button New Template. Select the Email's Template which you want to customize. Enter a title, enter the content and you can use the placeholders if are available. Once created a custom email's template, you won't be able more to delete it. But you can anytime customize it.

In the Email Templates page you're seeing the list with created email's templates. At left side of the list is displayed the custom name and at the right side is displayed the default email's template name. The custom name is displayed in the administrator's language.

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