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Midrub User Themes Configuration

By default users don't have a theme and you will see a video with instructions about how to enable it. You are free to enable the user's themes or even to use a your customized user theme following this article

Why the user's themes are disabled by default? As i've written more times, Midrub is a multipurpose CMS and you can use only the administrator panel like i'm doing in the Midrub's Docs. So, there isn't a reason for the user's panel. It doesn't exist even if no user exists.

By default for user you have available the Blue theme which is in the list from Midrub -> Administrator -> User -> Themes. You can enable it and then all enabled user's apps and components will work inside. 

In the Midrub's demo is enabled the Blue's theme. 

Once enabled the user's theme, please look in the Menu's page from Midrub -> Administrator -> User ->  Menu because any theme could have one or more menu. From the Menu Page you have to create the Menu's Items, otherwise you will have only enabled by default app or component without links.

I didn't added yet the option to drag and drop menu's items, but is a postponed feature and the Midrub's core is already prepeared for this and i have only to write the JS code to make it work. Until i will write the JS code, please delete all menu's items and create them with the order which you prefer.

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